<h1Pomegranate Juice Is Recognized Elixir Of Youth Health Medicine Science

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Pomegranate juice contains a wide range of vitamins and organic acids, and the content of antioxidants, even better than red wine. Regular consumption of pomegranate stabilizes the chemical composition of gastric juice, normalizes the blood, after recent infection contributes to the body and enhances immunity and has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic action and is used in diseases of the urinary bladder and kidney.

Pomegranate juice

Spanish scientists recently discovered a new useful feature of juice, a study involving 60 volunteers, divided into two groups, one of which was given capsules with an extract of pomegranate juice, while the other group received similar capsules without him. The survey revealed that, in patients who consume pomegranate juice, there was a significant reduction in markers associated with damage to cells, leading eventually to the deterioration of the brain, muscles, liver and kidneys. The reason for this is that the antioxidants in pomegranate juice slow the aging process at the DNA level.
Especially useful pomegranate juice expectant mothers during pregnancy, since fetal and promotes good health of the child in the future.

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